Welcome to George Washington Ate Here* (a.k.a., GWAH*), a blog for people interested in good food in the Alexandria, Virginia area — and particularly in Old Town and Del Ray.  Your friendly editors are local residents who enjoy good food, and who noticed that (while there are certainly a lot of restaurants, bars, and markets) the area is lacking a truly great resource for reviews and other food-related needs.  This blog will, hopefully, go some way towards filling that void.

We’re planning a number of features, which we will develop as our interests and day jobs permit:

*  Reviews:  Alexandria has a lot of restaurants, and more are opening all the time.  Sometimes the task of choosing where to eat can almost seem overwhelming.  We eat there first, so you don’t have to.
* Market Fresh:  Produce produce everywhere, but what to cook?  We’ll be making trips to the local markets, and suggesting recipes to cook with the choicest ingredients.  Usually, we’ll focus on what’s local, in season, and available at the Old Town and Del Ray farmers’ markets.    
* In the Glass:  You can’t eat all time time — sometimes you also need to drink.  In this feature, we will review the local bars, providing the skinny on where to try the best wine, cocktails, or other brews in Old Town and Del Ray.
* Field Trip:  One of our favorite “food” things about living in Alexandria isn’t actually located in Alexandria — it’s all the great Asian food in Annandale.  So we’ll be taking the occasional “field trip” beyond Alexandria to see what’s available next door, or even further out.  

So, with that, welcome to GWAH*.